Ann M. Credle, Premium Legal Counsel in Durham

Learn What I Can Do For You
Ann M. Credle believes in being the best at what I do - and what I do is Family Law.I limit my practice to Family Law so that I can offer the most focused and professional assistance in Durham and the surrounding area. Your legal rights are my business.

Child Custody
Custody can be a complex issue. The issue of Custody may also have different outcomes in different counties, depending on whether or not they have a Family Court. In all Custody cases filed with the Court, you will be required to go through mandatory mediation to try to resolve your custody case outside of the Court in the hopes you will not have to have a trial. Each County and each Judge differs in what they feel is in the Best Interest of the children, so it is always helpful to know your Judge and what is important to them in Custody cases. While I will always tell you if I think a Judge may not be inclined to give you what you are requesting, I will do all I can to put you in the best position to get the Custody you want.
Separation and Divorce
Separation in North Carolina means that you and your spouse are no longer living in the same residence. Even though you may not be physically separated, I can give you information about what Separation means in North Carolina and what consequences you may have as a result of a Separation. I can also advise what issues you need to address before they may be lost before a Divorce is granted.
​Divorces in North Carolina are granted after you have been physically separated for a year and a day. While the Divorce is fairly straight forward, there are certain issues that can be lost forever if you have not resolved or filed for prior to the Divorce being granted. Thus it is important to know the law before the Divorce is granted. Divorces can also be granted without the parties being present if represented by an Attorney and if the Divorce is uncontested.

Alimony and Equitable Distribution
Alimony is spousal support. Alimony is a another complex issue where decisions vary greatly from County to County and even Judge to Judge. Alimony is one of the issues you can lose if you do not file for it prior to the Divorce. It is critical to make sure you have all of the evidence you need to prove to the Court that not only are you entitled to Alimony, but how much Alimony should be ordered. It is in the Judge's discretion as to the amount and duration of the Alimony.

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400 W Main St #505, Durham, NC 27701, USA
(919) 688-6400

Ann M. Credle, PA
Protecting Your Rights
I have been successfully practicing Family Law for over 25 years. I represent clients in Durham, Wake, Orange, Chatham, Person, and Granville Counties. I represent both Husbands and Wives, and Mothers and Fathers in these issues. Each case has their own unique issues, which I treat with dignity and respect. Because of the number of years I have practiced Family Law, I can offer information to make sure you fully understand the logistics and consequences of your agreements or decisions.
I will do all I can to represent you to get what you want in a cost effective means.